Promoting work-life balance in companies

On Thursday 10th March 2022 the GSDFPGE organized the Equality Label award ceremony for enterprises in Greece, as  the closing event of the 2-year project coordinated by the agency, entitled “SHARE – Promoting work-life balance in companies and a better sharing of care between men and women”. Through the Equality Label process (at a pilot phase via this project), and for the first time in Greece, enterprises were encouraged to adopt specific GE-promoting measures in the workplace and take further initiatives on enhancing work-life balance for their employees, both male and female.

From a total of 32 small/medium and large enterprises applying, 18 were successful in receiving the pilot Equality Label, which is planned to continue as a regular bi-annual process for all private businesses in the country. 

The SHARE project is implemented by the Partnership of the General Secretariat for Demography, Family Policy and Gender Equality (Coordinator), the Center for Research on Equality (KETHI) and the Organization for the Professional Empowerment of women – Women On Top. The Project is co-financed by the REC Program of the European Commission. More information about the project is available here.