Past Events

Please find here past events and activities of the R&I PEERS community, as assembled by our project team.*  Please contact us to share events and news!

Project Role
3 February 21
Online, MIGAL
MIGAL, Sigal Fishman
An open exposure meeting that will deal with “effective communication and presentation skills.”
22 February 21
Online, hosted by Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (MI SANU)  
International Stakeholders Workshop “Gender Budgeting in Research Institutions”
DLI, Katja Legisa participated in the conference
LeTSGEPs project “Leading Towards Sustainable Gender Equality Plans in Research Performing Organisations”. The event focused on Power of Gender Budgeting in Tackling Inequalities
4 March 21
Online training (co-organised by Gender Equality Academy and Gender SMART)
This training aims at familiarising the participants with basic concepts and definitions about integrating sex and gender in research content. It will go through the main issues at stake about gender in research.
8 March 21
Online, hosted by ZRC SAZU
Women’s work: from factory to office and elsewhere  
Sperker, Dr. Jovana Mihajlović Trbovc, ZRC SAZU  
The discussion focused on women’s penetration into science, and on the gradual but persistent deviation from the shackles of patriarchal social norms.  
8 March 21
Online, hosted by Swedish Embassy in Tunisia
Presence of women as voters or candidates, the situation in Tunisia 10 years after the revolution. The legal and institutional mechanisms that must be put in place to guarantee the presence of women
11March 21
Online, organized by TARGET and GEECCO projects
Discussion on GEP experiences of RFOs and RPOs with policy-makers, gender experts and practitioners 
12 March 21
UFZG, Zagreb
Tanja Petrović & Jovana Mihajlović from ZRC SAZU
Tanja Petrović & Jovana Mihajlović Trbovc: Agency, Biography and Temporality: (Un)making women’s biographies in the wake of loss of the socialist project in Yugoslavia
15 March 21
Webinar on ZOOM, organised by the students’ association LINK Fisciano
Webinar: Beyond March the 8th. Feminisms and their formation
The webinar has the aim to retrace the main historical steps of feminist movements
18March 21
Webinar USCISA Antwerpen
Gender, conflict, citizenship and belonging. Masculinities/Femininities in Times of Crisis
Tanja Petrović, from ZRC SAZU 
In this meeting, scholars examine the role of (ideological) constructions of ideal and normative masculinities and their alternatives in times of crisis
26 March 21
Webinar on ZOOM
Webinar: Gender equality policies and Horizon 2020
The webinar responds to UNISA’s GEP key area “Integrating gender perspective in research and curricula”, specifically task: Guidance session for high-school students
31 March 21
High Level Event: City of sciences (Tunis – Tunisia) / Delegation of EC in Tunisia
ANPR: Exhibition & Contribution to the development of the EU projects catalogue
The promotion of Programs, projects and actions carried out by Tunisian organizations within the framework of cooperation with the EC during the last 10 years
End of March/early April 2021
Webinar on ZOOM, organised by the students’ association AEGEE-Salerno
Webinar: What is gender equality?
The webinar aims to involve students and PhD students’ associations in the main strategic actions of the project aimed at building gender awareness.
20 April 21
Online, hosted by DLI
The impact of gender equality plans on internal and external stakeholders: Lessons in engagement from the R&I PEERS project  
All R&I Peers partners  
The event will focus on the internal and external impact of the GEP implementation  
April 21
Online, project SOILdarity
Workshop on women empowerment and gender equality, responsible research and innovation
MIGAL, Sigal Fishman
Presentation of R&I PEERS implementation and MIGAL activities
27 April 21
Online Workshop
‘Women empowerment, gender equality, responsible research & innovation’
Speech “Inclusion and empowerment, the importance of monitoring for self assessment. The experience of R&I Peers”  
28 April 21
Online training (Gender Equality Academy)
Sensitise about the importance of gender-sensitive communication and provide introduction to what this notion might entail  
9 June 21
Hotel Arima, San Sebastián, Spain/Aspegi
How are careers evolving in masculinised sectors?  
16 June 21
On-line workshop Ljubljana, Slovenia
  Introduction into the GEAM survey and experiences from the GEAM application  
21-22 June 21
University of Aveiro, Portugal
Conference on Gender Research intends to be established in the cutting edge of gender research and welcome researchers in this area to present their work.
9-10 July 21
Palacio de Miramar, San Sebastián, Spain/Aspegi
15-17 September 21
Lecture given by Dr. Jovana Mihajlović Trbovc, ZRC SAZU
Advancing gender mainstreaming in Academia, Research and Innovation  
Date Venue/Host Event Project Role Description
10 March 2020 Offices of the General Secretariat for Family Policy and Gender Equality (GSFPGE) – Athens, Greece Kick-off Meeting of the SHARE Project “Promoting work-life balance in companies and a better sharing of care between men and women”. SHARE, co-funded by the EU’s REC Program, is a 2-year project led by GSFPGE as the Coordinator. The project help address the traditional gender roles within the family and promote work-life balance, with an emphasis on the private sector/companies environment.
May 12 to July 14 2020 Online Gender Data Series: Mitigating the impact of COVID-19 on women & girls: Event 1 – How data can mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on women and girls (May 12, 2020)


Event 2 – How unconventional data can inform gender-based violence responses (May 19, 2020)

Event 3 – Sending support where it’s needed most: Using data to support health care (May 26, 2020)

Event 4 – Using data to support women’s mental health during COVID-19 (June 2, 2020)

Event 5 – Ensuring women’s representation in COVID-19 policymaking (June 9, 2020)

  Series of 10 practical webinars by Devex and Facebook. Every Tuesday Devex will bring together experts from across sectors to discuss gender-related issues highlighted by the current pandemic and to share important lessons learned about how data can help inform better responses to the current crisis for women and girls.
20 May 2020 Online How COVID-19 Affects Women Contributor Organizer is Centre for Economic Policy Research
25-27 May 2020 Online Gender Equality Academy Training of Trainers Jovana Mihajlović Trbovc will present  work on the R&I PEERS project Jovana Mihajlović Trbovc selected for participation
June 2020 Ljubljana, Slovenia or Online Meeting of the Commission for Equal Opportunity in Science R&I PEERS project presentation by Jovana Mihajlović Trbovc, Commission Member Regular meeting of the Commission
June 2020 Ljubljana, Slovenia Presentation of ZRC SAZU GEP to the staff of the Faculty of Arts, University Ljubljana Presentation by Tanja Petrović Know-how sharing on GEP implementation between Faculty of Arts, University Ljubljana and ZRC SAZU, as part of the project Gearing Roles Project
June-July 2020 Online Training on the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention) Trainer The General Secretariat for Family Policy and Gender Equality (GSFPGE) is the supervisory body implementing the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention) for our country.
The training is in English and is designed by the Council of Europe.
June-July 2020 Online Training: Enhancing digital skills of young mothers Contributor Mommypreneurs is an international project which aims to strengthen skills of young inactive women on maternity leave or caring for children, to equip them with new digital and/or entrepreneurship skills to improve their potential in re-entering the labour market or start their own business.
10-12 June 2020 Online WomenTech Global Conference 2020   The conference will connect 100 000 women, minorities and their allies in tech through an interactive platform featuring keynotes, technical workshops, and a tech job fair with face-to-face networking sessions.
1 June – 24 July 2020 Online Open Collaborative Course : Gender Equality in research and innovation: the journey towards Institutional Change   This course aims at providing learners with a wealth of resources and tools to become change agents and promote institutional transformation, either at their own Research Organizations or to support the process at other entities.
16-19 September 2020 Leipzig, Germany. Host: British Association for Slavonic & East European Studies BASEES Regional Conference “Globalizing Eastern Europe – New Perspectives on Transregional Entanglements” “EU Policies meet Socialist Legacy: Who Teaches Whom about Gender Equality in Research Sphere” – paper presentation by Jovana Mihajlović Trbovc “EU-nization of gender equality policies in Central and Eastern European research and higher education” Panel
October 2020 Ljubljana, Slovenia Meeting of the Commission for Equal Opportunity in Science R&I PEERS Project progress presentation by Jovana Mihajlović Trbovc, Commission member Regular meeting of the Commission
October 2020 Palace of the City of Salerno Women, Gender Identity, Fashion studies, Female empowerment AISAI and CNR Seminar presenting an interdisciplinary scientific research on the study of fashion, fashions through the history of female emancipation and the relationships between gender and gender identity.
November 2020 University of Salerno Explaining Gender-based Violence. Cycle of seminars   Cycle of seminars with national and international experts on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (25th November)
November 2020 University of Salerno Presentation of the volume: “Explaining Gender-based violence”   Following the great success the cycle of seminars “Explaining gender-based violence” has received since 2011, the organising committee is currently working on the scientific publication of the most significant interventions that have taken place in these nine years of activity.
12–13 November 2020

Lithuanian Social Research Centre and Vilnius University

International conference

Gender equality in CEE countries: Policies and practices 2020

Institutional change through implementation of GEPs at the RPOs and RFOs

R&I PEERS project and ZRC SAZU’s GEP


by Prof. Dr. Tanja Petrovic

The conference aims to bring together promoters and implementers of the Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) focused H2020 projects and researchers exploring gender issues in science in the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE).
16-17 November 2020 Singapore National University Society 7th International Conference on Gender & Women’s Studies 2020 (GWS2020): Removing Structural Barriers to Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment   The objective of the GWS conference is to share ongoing research activities in the fields of Gender & Women’s Studies. The conference aims to offer international perspectives with an emphasis on economic, social, and psychological aspects of empowerment and leadership, victimisation, exclusion, and social problems.
December 2020 University of Salerno Conference “Gender & Professions” AISAI and CNR Multi-disciplinary conference about the presence of women in the working world. A discussion about smart-working and other family-friendly measures for women in career. Measures to improve the actions of the GEP.
Date Venue / Host Event & Link Project Involvement Description
January 1, 2019 UNISA – Fisciano, IT Gender communication: a qualified network for equal opportunities UNISA – Co-organized with the Campania Region and the other universities of the region Proper use of gender language in the Public Administration
January 1, 2019 MIGAL – South Industrial Zone, Kiryat-Shmona, IL Round table MIGAL – Organizers Meeting with the representatives of Regional Authorities, Tel-Hai Academic College and other stakeholders. Presenting the R&I Peers Project and discussing future opportunities for collaboration
January 1, 2019 Brussels, BE 1st Synergy conference ZRC SAZU – Participation A conference of the sister project ACT that brought together COST, EURAXESS and Science Europe Network members
February 1, 2019 UNISA – Fisciano, IT   UNISA – Organization of the event Presentation of the preliminary results of the UNISA survey on Gender Equality carried out within the R&I Peers Project
February 1, 2019 CIC nanoGUNE – San Sebastián, ES   CIC nanoGUNE – Organization of the event Presentation of the results of the 1st survey on Gender Equality and Welfare carried out together with the first Gender Equality Plan at CIC nanoGUNE
February 1, 2019 CIC nanoGUNE – San Sebastián, ES   CIC nanoGUNE – Co-organization of the event with other local research institutes Yearly activities for the celebration of the International Day (11 February) of Women and Girls in Science
March 1, 2019 Israel Workshop MIGAL – Organizers Promoting gender equality among people from MIGAL, Tel-Hai College and other stakeholders. External lecturers and National Contact Points for Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Actions under Horizon 2020
March 1, 2019 Ministry of Education, Science and Sport – Ljubljana, SLO Annual conference dedicated to women and equal opportunities in science ZRC SAZU – Participation and project presentation A yearly meeting, discussion of current issues, presentation of ongoing projects
March 8, 2019 UNISA – Fisciano, IT Women’s Library UNISA – Organization of the event Presentation event for a library, as a gathering place for events, readings and presentations of gender-oriented books
March 28, 2019 Israel How to design a project MIGAL Workshop -2nd  Project Disign
May 1, 2019 Israel Workshop for women academics MIGAL – Organizers Mentoring young women researchers to write good proposal
May 2, 2019 Upper Galilee Regional Council Enhancing presenting abilities MIGAL Workshop – Enhancing presenting abilities_Eidit Noyderfer
May 2, 2019 Tel Hai college Women lead applied research/ by Eidit Noyderfer MIGAL – Organizers Methods and techniques to give information and messages with a presentation to the audience
May 10, 2019 Brussels Women in ICT Sharing Experiences DLI WISE – Women in ICT Sharing Experiences is a business community and professional network of talented women in ICT.
May 10-11, 2019 Milano Supply Chain e acquisti MIP management school (Politecnico di Milano) and UNISA Informed of project actions and results, Participation to the discussion
May 15, 2019 Brussels EC Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition Governing Board Meeting DLI DLI Founding Director joined the seventh meeting of the Governing Board for the European Commission’s Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition
May 16, 2019 The Galilee Development Company 1st Academic writing workshop MIGAL Dr. Tzipora Rekedson – Mentoring young women researchers to write good proposal
May 16, 2019 Kiryat Shmona 1th Academic writing workshop/ by Dr. Tzipora Rekedson MIGAL – Organizers Improving English writing
May 21, 2019 Los Angeles STEM Fair DLI Encourage young people, especially girls, toward studies and careers in these areas.
May 21, 2019 Salerno Finance Course UNISA Informed of project actions and results, Participation to the discussion
May 28, 2019 Los Angeles Computer Science Panel DLI DLI Founding Director joined a panel promoting Computer Science studies and careers for Los Angeles County high school students, especially young women
June 1, 2019 Israel Field trip MIGAL – Organizers Field trip of young women researchers from the periphery to Tel-Aviv or Jerusalem Universities to meet academic women who will explain their successes
June 6, 2019 Israel 2nd Academic writing workshop   Dr. Tzipora Rekedson
June 6, 2019 Kiryat Shmona 2th Academic writing workshop/ by Dr. Tzipora Rekedson MIGAL – Organizers Improving English writing
June 6-7 2019 Giffoni Social Media MIP management school  and Giffoni Innovation Hub Informed of project actions and results, Participation to the discussion
June 13, 2019 Bucharest Digital Skills and Jobs Governing Board Meeting DLI DLI Founder joined the eighth meeting of the Governing Board of the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition of Europe.
June 13, 2019 Salerno Finance Course UNISA Informed of project actions and results, Participation to the discussion
June 20, 2019 NHRF Venue, Athens Enhancing Gender Equality and Gendeer dimension in R&I (Training Event for Policy Makers, GenderAction Project) Participation of K. Loukidou in the Conference and Training activities. Informing about R&I Peers Project Training Event for Policy Makers in Greece in the context of the Gender Action Programme for gender equality and gender dimension in R&I
July 5, 2019 UNESCO Paris G7 & UNESCO International Conference on “Innovating for Girls’ and Women’s Education” DLI In the attendance of Ms. Malala Yousufzai and French President Emanuel Macron, Ms. Che Miller Van Dÿck, DLI Founding Director, and Ms. Loredana Bucseneanu, DLI Development Director,  joined a G7 and UNESCO international conference.
July 7, 2019 Israel CEO MIGAL – David Zigdon MIGAL – Organizers Commercialization
July 15, 2019 Shipodey Ron Restorant Midterm conference focused on gender    
July 30, 2019 Israel Conference on “Women, an Engine for Economic Growth”   Conference on “Women, an Engine for Economic Growth”
August 1, 2019 Israel Prof. Rachel Amir & Prof. Uri Marchaim MIGAL – Organizers Writing workshop for Horizon 2020
August 21, 2019 Israel Writing workshop for Horizon 2020   Prof. Uri Marchaim
September 1, 2019 Israel Daniela Penso   2nd   Project Design
September 6, 2019 Pomigliano D’Arco (Naples)- Avio Aero Avio AERO Diversity and Inclusion Council UNISA Presentation of R&I PEERS to underline the importance of women in STEM, dedicated to the employees’ sons and daughters.
September 8, 2019 Israel 1st  Workshops: Managing ourselves in time    
September 15, 2019 Israel 2nd  Workshops: Managing ourselves in time MIGAL  
September 16-17, 2019 Naples- University Federico II – Department of Political Sciences Inequality vs inclusiveness in changing academic governance: policies, resistances, opportunities UNISA – Project Coordinator M.R. Pelizzari This conference aims at encouraging the debate about the impact of current transformations on academic landscapes in terms of gender and diversity
September 18, 2019 AICAR Milano Project Women in AICAR (Italian Association for Climate and Environment)   The event aims at improving the statute of the association using a gender-neutral language
September 19, 2019 Dubrobin Estate Restaurant Festive Gathering for the New Year    
September 19, 2019 Salerno Finance Course UNISA Informed of project actions and results, Participation to the discussion
September 20, 2019 Salerno – Confindustria Salerno Double Couple: Research and Innovation + Gender and Generation UNISA The complementary talents that make the company grow
September 20, 2019 AISAI – Salerno Double couple: research and innovation – gender and generation UNISA – Project Coordinator M.R. Pelizzari –  WP 4 Leader – AISAI Alessandra Pedone Relationship between husband and wife in the enterpreneur’s couple and between parents and daughters in the industry
October 1, 2019 Israel Dr. Dafna Michaeli MIGAL Writing research proposals – workshop
October 8, 2019 Milano – MIP methods and innovation company project – company project work presentation MIP-UNISA- Department of Computer Science -Department of business science form PWA idea to the realization  of the project
October 8, 2019 University of Salerno – OGEPO La donna e il suo ruolo nella società UNISA – Project Coordinator M.R. Pelizzari Women, Peace and History of Migration: the role of women in the global migration – from the past to the present
October 11, 2019 Brussels Digital Skills and Jobs Governing Board Meeting DLI DLI Founder joins the tenth meeting of the Governing Board of the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition of Europe
October 16, 2019 Google Atelier, Brussels 2109 European Ada Awards Ceremony DLI Event recognising top girls and women in digital sectors in Europe, under the esteemed patronage of Ms. Mariya Gabriel European Commissioner for the Digital Economy and Society, in collaboration with Women in Tech.Brussels, and as part of European Code Week and the Women Code Festival
November 1, 2019 Israel Dr. Dafna Michaeli MIGAL Project Design
November 1, 2019 Israel Special choice/ by the participants MIGAL Open Meeting
November 5, 2019 Milano – MIP Pitch PWA  project doable company project MIP-UNISA- Department of Computer Science -Department of business science form PWA indea to the realization  of the project
November 13, 2019 GE Academy Webinar Series – Rome, IT Gender in Research and Innovation GE Academy Webinar in the GE Academy capacity building program. Aims at informing attendees about ERA priorities on gender equalities.
November 18, 2019 University of Salerno – OGEPO Il genre nella ricerca: dalla womens’ history ai gender studies in prospettiva globale UNISA – Project Coordinator M. R. Pelizzari First Doctoral Seminar: “Sexual models and gender identity: a historical journey between language, rights, and cultures”.
November 24-25, 2019 University of Salerno – OGEPO La violenza spiegata UNISA – Project Coordinator M. R. Pelizzari – CNR IX cycle of seminars/lesson on the occasion of November 25, International Day for the elimination of violence against women.
November 26 2019 Ministry of education, science and sport, Ljubljana, Slovenia Izzivi mladih v znanosti ZRC SAZU, Jovana Mihajlović Trbovc, member of the Commission in capacity of an expert Challenges faced by junior Researchers in Slovenia
December 2, 2019 Israel Daniela Penso MIGAL 3rd Project Design
December 2, 2019 University of Salerno – OGEPO Gender-based violence in Namibia UNISA – Project Coordinator M. R. Pelizzari Seminar organized with the Mediterranean Institute of Studies and the University of Namibia
December 2, 2019 Residence Palace, Brussels (Global Wo.Men Hub) Practical Solutions for a Work Life Balance DLI Work life balance in GEPs of the R&I Peers
December 5-6, 2019 Naples- University Federico II Diversity management: nuove frontiere dell’inclusione e sfide per i CUG universitari UNISA – Project Coordinator M.R. Pelizzari  
December 10, 2019 ZRC SAZU Workshop on academic writing for early career researchers Members of ZRC SAZU project team organize the event Challenges faced by junior Researchers in Slovenia
4-5 May 2018 Milan, IT Plan and Manage an Innovation Plan
Confindustria Management and implementation of innovative projects
16 May 2018 Sala Stampa “Biagio Agnes” –  Salerno, IT First Gender Budgeting of UNISA UNISA – Organization and Presentation of Results Analysis and evaluation in a gender perspective of the political choices and of the economic/financial commitments of UNISA
8 June 2018 Sala Teatro – Istituto Comprensivo Statale Rita Levi Montalcini –


Salerno, IT

Knowledge and Training for Change UNISA – Sponsor Educational paths for the affirmation of a gender culture


full citizenship of differences

against all forms of violence and discrimination

19 June 2018 European Parliament Brussels, BE Future of Work and the Role of Women Entrepreneurs DLI – Speaker Women Leaders of today and tomorrow building up the future of work and entrepreneurship
19 June 2018 The Egg – Brussels, BE DIGITAL4HER
DLI – Moderator More women in digital, a strategy for growth and equality.
4 July 2018 Naples, IT Women Scientists and scientific dissemination from the late nineteenth century to the forties of the twentieth century (IT)
UNISA – Participant Seminar including an analysis of the topic related to women scientists in Italy
8-9 September 2018 KTH Royal Institute of Technology – Stockholm, SE Move It Forward 2018 STOCKHOLM with Women of the Diaspora DLI – Organiser & Workshop leader Female digital starter event whose objective is to give teen and adult women  skills to become digital entrepreneurs and leaders, and to support them in driving positive change in their communities.
12 September 2018 Polytechnic School, – Palermo, IT Steering girls to STEM – Initiatives and tools for making STEM careers more attractive for young girls UNISA – Poster presentaton A satellite event in the frame of IEEE RTSI 2018 – 4th International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry “Innovation to shape the future”. This event has as the main objective to present the current initiatives aimed at fostering and stimulating women’s presence in STEM, sharing the consolidated know how and focusing on related benefits and drawbacks at the same time. The exigency of availability of tools for making STEM careers more attractive for young girls will be also highlighted.
September 14th 2018 Salerno, IT “INNOVATION LAB” Confindustria Planning new project activities related to innovation in companies
September 14th 2018 Rectorate of the University of Belgrade The Institute of Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade ZRC SAZU- participation An event on gender equality in Serbian higher education institutions where also the R&I PEERS project was presented
September 2018 Ministry of education, science and sport – Ljubljana, SLO Meeting of the Commission for equal opportunities in science ZRC SAZU – Member/Contributor Regular meeting of the Commission addressing issues of Women and Equal opportunities in science
12 October 2018 University of Florence, Firenze, IT Women and Science from past to present UNISA – Oral Presentation Women and Science
18 October 2018 National Council for the Advancement of Women in Science and Technology and the Ministry of Science and Technology – Israel Gender equality in 2018 MIGAL – Participant The purpose of the conference is to provide an up-to-date overview of innovative thinking, research and action to promote gender equality and fairness in a variety of areas of life, as well as the importance of gender equality and its positive impact on the future of the general public.
23-24 October 2018 UNISA  -Fisciano, IT Collective Intelligence and Innovative Territories. Transitions, Cultural Changes and Inequalities UNISA – Organizer 17th International Conference INTI International Network of Territorial Intelligence,  4th International Conference ICSR Mediterranean Knowledge, with the patronage of OGEPO UNISA .
October 2018 MIGAL -South Industrial Zone,


Kiryat-Shmona, IL

Info day/Launch event MIGAL – Organizer Presentation event of the R&I PEERS Project – main objectives, presentation of the questionnaire results.
10-11 November 2018 Webster University – Leiden Campus
Lieden, NL
Move It Forward for Women’s Health & Nutrition
DLI – Organiser & Workshop leader Female digital starter event whose objective is to give teen and adult women skills to become digital entrepreneurs and leaders, and to support them in driving positive change in their communities.
10 November 2018 to 6 December 2018 UNISA – Fisciano, IT Violence Explained UNISA – Organizer Training Seminar on the topic of gender violence. Violence understood not only as physical and sexual abuse, but also economic, psychological and symbolic, linked to stereotypes, discrimination, mobbing, stalking and all those behaviors that cause damages of physical, psychological and existential nature.
December 2018 Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts –  Ljubljana, SLO Round table on Using Gender Sensitive Language ZRC SAZU – Organizer Discussing the state of affairs, previous and current initiatives; bringing together various actors 

*Please check details with event organisers.  Neither the R&I PEERS project nor its consortium members are responsible for the accuracy of this information which is provided for informational purposes only.